Author, Leadership Coach,
Philanthropist, and Veteran

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1. The road to business success can be long, winding, and filled with pitfalls and detours—but it doesn’t have to be. By reading Marc Helm’s new book #PreparingForGreatness, you’ll learn powerful insights and tools that will transform the trajectory of your business and streamline your path to success. Learn more:

2. If you’re a business owner trying to achieve success by attempting to figure out the process on your own, then you need to read #PreparingForGreatness by Marc Helm. Packed with powerful insights and timeless management principles, this book will enable you to stop leading your business based on guesswork and start streamlining your path to success. Check it out now:

3. Are you sick of making costly mistakes and time-consuming missteps in your business? Then #PreparingForGreatness by Marc Helm is just what you’ve been looking for! This book is packed with timeless insights and tools that will enable you to become a better leader, move your organization forward, and achieve true success—in business and beyond. Learn more here:

4. Do you wish the path to business success wasn’t so difficult? So did Marc Helm, and that’s exactly why he wrote his new book, #PreparingForGreatness. If you’re looking to become a better leader, move your organization forward, and achieve the successful business you dream of, it’s a must-read. Grab your copy:

5. The truth is, business really isn’t that complicated—we just make it seem like it is. There are certain behaviors, routines, and management principles that, when done consistently at all levels of the organization, will undoubtedly lead to overall success, and that’s exactly what you’ll learn by reading #PreparingForGreatness by Marc Helm. Check it out:


1. If you’re looking to become a better leader, move your organization forward, and achieve the successful business you dream of, #PreparingForGreatness by Marc Helm is a must-read. Grab your copy:

2. By reading Marc Helm’s new book #PreparingForGreatness, you’ll learn powerful insights and tools that will transform the trajectory of your business and streamline your path to success. Get your copy here:

3. Are you sick of making costly mistakes and time-consuming missteps in your business? Then #PreparingForGreatness by Marc Helm is just the book you’ve been looking for! Learn more:

Email #1

Subject Line Ideas

  • The road to business success

  • Streamline your path to success

  • Minimize mistakes and missteps in business

Body Copy

Hi [NAME],

Does it ever feel like the road to business success is long, winding, and filled with pitfalls and detours at every turn?

You’re not alone. 

Many business owners try to achieve success by attempting to figure out the process on their own, asking the wrong individuals for advice, or resorting to hiring teams of external “experts” to run the business for them… yet these approaches rarely lead to the long-term success they desire.

==> By equipping yourself with the right tools and knowledge, you can powerfully transform the trajectory of your business and streamline your path to success.

Luckily, this is my friend Marc Helm’s expertise!

Marc has built and sold several successful companies from the ground up. In his 45+ years of management and leadership experience, there was not a mistake or misstep he hasn’t witnessed or made himself.

Now, Marc’s on a mission to help others achieve success without encountering all the pitfalls and detours he did on his journey—and that’s exactly why he wrote his new book, Preparing For Greatness: Minimizing Mistakes and Missteps in Business Leadership!

==> In Preparing For Greatness, Marc shares timeless insights and tools to help you become a better leader, move your organization forward, and achieve the success you dream of.

Because the truth is, business really isn’t that complicated—we just make it seem like it is.

When done consistently at all levels of the organization, the behaviors, routines, and management principles that Marc shares in Preparing For Greatness will undoubtedly lead to overall success.

Just click here to order your copy today!

To the journey ahead,


Email #2

Subject Line Ideas

  • Making business simple

  • Make your business dreams a reality

  • Transform your business

Body Copy

Hi [NAME],

There are certain behaviors, routines, and management principles that, when done consistently at all levels of the organization, will undoubtedly lead to overall business success...

…So why is actually achieving success in business so difficult!?

For many business owners, the answer is that they simply don’t know, or have access to, the information they need to avoid costly mistakes and time-consuming missteps.

==> Luckily, this is about to change thanks to my good friend Marc Helm and his new book, Preparing For Greatness: Minimizing Mistakes and Missteps in Business Leadership.

Marc has built and sold several successful companies from the ground up, and he’s packed 45+ years of wisdom from his management and leadership experiences into this book to help you achieve the successful business you dream of without having to encounter all the pitfalls and detours he did along the way.

==> The timeless insights and tools shared in Preparing For Greatness will enable you to powerfully transform the trajectory of your business and streamline your path to success.

Equipped with this knowledge, you will have everything you need to become a better leader, move your organization forward, and achieve true success—in business and beyond.

Click here to order your copy of Preparing For Greatness today!

To your success,



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Marc Helm
