A Modern-Day Renaissance Man

H. Marc Helm is a modern-day Renaissance man with over forty-five years of management and leadership experience. Marc has built many successful companies and now dedicates himself to helping other owners growth strong businesses.

A Modern-Day Renaissance Man

H. Marc Helm is a modern-day Renaissance man with over forty-five years of management and leadership experience. Marc has built many successful companies and now dedicates himself to helping other owners growth strong businesses.

The cliché “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” has plagued organizations and held back progress across countless industries for far too long.

In our increasingly fast-paced world, it is no longer acceptable not to strive for continuous improvement. While it is undeniably difficult to face failure, if left unchecked, it can become the norm.

Organizations must learn how to recognize their shortcomings and invest in implementing changes that move the organization forward, as it’s only through change that true progress—and success—can be achieved.

Success is not just about achieving a goal, but a journey that requires a commitment to personal growth and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

Inside each of us is the essence of what it takes to be successful. My goal is to help you recognize your potential and give you a clear path to follow so that when the opportunity comes, you’re prepared for success and ready to actualize your greatness.

I believe that by viewing things holistically and strategically, anything can move from average to excellence if paired with the proper focus and dedication.

My legacy is not just about what I can give back to the world on a daily basis, but how I am setting up success for the future.

I paid my dues, and I share my learnings to help you become a better person, employee, and leader who contributes and takes initiative on all relevant opportunities to make a positive impact on everyone you encounter.

Unlike others, I will never urge you to follow some twenty-step formula for success I pulled out of thin air. My focus is on getting you in the right mindset, not on fancy buzzwords. I am not here to educate you as much as to give you a road map of the process. It is up to you to follow it.

The timing of your journey to success is entirely up to you, but I will always be at the finish line rooting for you. This is the belief upon which all of my work is created.


Preparing for Greatness

In Preparing for Greatness, you will discover timeless insights and strategies that will enable you to minimize mistakes and missteps in business leadership.

This book is equipped with transformative tools, and you will have everything you need to become a better leader, move your organization forward, and achieve true success—in business and beyond.

100 percent of proceeds go towards the Helm Family Foundation

pursuit of excellence

In Pursuit Of Excellence, you will learn all the steps you must take to make real progress on your leadership journey.

A leader could be a successful manager, and a manager could evolve into a successful leader. 

By the time you’ve finished reading, you will be equipped with all the ideas, mindsets, and tools you need to be the leader you’ve always wanted to be.

100 percent of proceeds go towards the Helm Family Foundation

pursuit of excellence

In Pursuit Of Excellence, you will learn all the steps you must take to make real progress on your leadership journey.

A leader could be a successful manager, and a manager could evolve into a successful leader. 

By the time you’ve finished reading, you will be equipped with all the ideas, mindsets, and tools you need to be the leader you’ve always wanted to be.

Preparing for Greatness

In Preparing for Greatness, you will discover timeless insights and strategies that will enable you to minimize mistakes and missteps in business leadership.

This book is equipped with transformative tools, and you will have everything you need to become a better leader, move your organization forward, and achieve true success—in business and beyond.

100 percent of proceeds go towards the Helm Family Foundation

Available Now

Preparing for Greatness

In Preparing for Greatness, you will discover timeless insights and strategies that will enable you to minimize mistakes and missteps in business leadership.

Equipped with transformative tools, you will have everything you need to become a better leader, move your organization forward, and achieve true success—in business and beyond.

100 percent of proceeds go towards the Helm Family Foundation


Helm’s expertise extends to executive coaching, consulting and expert witness roles, where he has provided critical support in litigated matters, offering testimony for both plaintiffs and defendants in diverse cases related to the mortgage industry. His experience and dedication to industry advancement and community service make Helm a true leader and an asset to the mortgage banking sector. Beyond his professional achievements, Helm actively contributes to industry advancement, participating in numerous committees and associations. He is a prolific author of books and articles, and his reputation as a captivating speaker makes him a sought-after presence at conferences focusing on mortgage banking and as a specialist in the area of reverse mortgages.


Helm Foundation

At The Helm Foundation, our purpose is simple yet profound: to do good and help others. We are driven by a deep-rooted commitment to serving humanity, leaving no one behind. Our compass guides us toward the most vulnerable communities, the marginalized voices seeking to be heard, and the individuals yearning for a chance to thrive.

We steer this vast ocean of possibilities with empathy, understanding that every act of kindness—no matter how small—creates ripples of transformation. Through collaborating with like-minded partners to tackle pressing challenges that hinder progress, we empower individuals and communities by fostering education, healthcare, sustainable livelihoods, and equal opportunities for all.


Marc Helm

H. Marc Helm is a modern-day renaissance man with over forty-five years of management and leadership experience.

He has built and sold several successful companies from the ground up and is now dedicated to helping others achieve success in their own businesses.

Marc Helm’s unique perspective on business comes from his background in sociology and psychology, which he applies to his work as a business leader and author. He believes that success is not just about achieving a goal, but it’s a journey that requires a commitment to personal growth and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

Contact Marc